Batman Koozie

Knit koozies have become quite popular in Houston in the last few months.  After seeing some quite boring koozies at various local hotspots, I decided I should come up with some jazzier varieties.  Since then I’ve made koozies with cables, lace, camo, school logos, and my most popular creation, Batman.  I’ll disperse some of the other patterns in the blog in coming months, but for now, here is Batman.

Batman Koozie

Disclaimer:  Feel free to make this pattern for your personal use, for your platypus, for charity, or to sell.  The only thing I ask is that you please do not sell it on Etsy.  If you are interested in purchasing a koozie from my Etsy store, you may do so here.

Yarn:  Small amounts of four-ply black (B) and yellow (Y)

Needles:  Four US Size 6 double pointed needles (DPN)


Cast on 48 stitches with B and distribute among three DPN

Row 1:  Working in rounds, *Knit B (KB) 2, Pearl B (PB) 2, repeat from (*) until end (48 stitches)

Rows 2-4:  Repeat Row 1

Row 5:  KB 48

Row 6:  KB 48

*Note* After joining the yellow, I twisted the yarn on the wrong side every two or three stitches.  Long sections of yarn inside of the work make it difficult to place a glass inside.

Row 7:  Join Y, KB 17, KY 14, KB 17

Row 8:  KB16, KY 2, KB1, KY3, KB1, KY2, KB1, KY3, KB1, KY2, KB16

Row 9:  KB15, KY 2, KB1, KY4, KB4, KY4, KB1, KY2, KB 15

Row 10:  KB14, KY2, KB2, KY4, KB4, KY4, KB2, KY2, KB14

Row 11:  KB13, KY2, KB3, KY4, KB4, KY4, KB3, KY2, KB13

Row 12:  KB12, KY2, KB5, KY2, KB6, KY2, KB5, KY2, KB12

Row 13:  KB12, KY1, KB22, KY1, KB13

Rows 14-15:  Repeat Row 13

Row 16:  KB12, KY2, KB20, KY2, KB12

Row 17:  KB13, KY2, KB18, KY2, KB13

Row 18:  KB14, KY2, KB16, KY2, KB14

Row 19:  KB15, KY2, KB2, KY1, KB1, KY1, KB4, KY1, KB1, KY1, KB2, KY2, KB15

Row 20:  KB16, KY2, KB1, KY4, KB2, KY4, KB1, KY2, KB16

Row21:  KB17, KY2, KB1, KY3, KB2, KY3, KB1, KY2, KB17

Row22:  KB18, KY12, KB18

Row 23:  KB48

Continue in B

Row 24:  *k2tog, K2, Repeat from (*) 12 times (36 stitches)

Row 25:  *k2tog, K2, Repeat from (*) 9 times (27 stitches)

Row 26:  *k2tog, K1, Repeat from (*) 9 times (18 stitches)

Row 27:  *k2tog, K1, Repeat from (*) 6 times (12 stitches)

Row 28:  *k2tog, Repeat from (*) 6 times (6 stitches)

To finish, pull a loop through all 6 stitches on needle and pull tight.  Work in ends.

Difficulty:  Easy

Time Required:  2 Movies

The knitting is very quick.  Twisting the yarn behind the project is the largest time-suck.

Overall Experience:  Excellent

This is a quick project.  I carry one around in my purse to put on my glass when I go places.  I think someone has asked me about it every time I’ve used it.

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