Gospel Presentation and Cross Bracelets

This summer I helped to teach dance at a sports camp sponsored by my church.  I was in charge of the middle and high school girls.  As part of our Bible lesson, we made gospel presentation bracelets consisting of several colored beads.  Each color represents part of the gospel presentation.  In short:  The black bead represents the darkness of sin in each man.  The red bead represents Jesus’ blood and sacrifice.  The white bead represents the washing away of our sin.  The yellow bead represents heaven.  The green bead represents growing in a relationship with God.  Here is a link providing Bible verses for each color and a tutorial on how to make the bracelet.

My girls liked jewelry, so I crocheted cross bracelets to give them if they had their memory verse memorized to sign language.  Many of them didn’t speak English, but they could still participate using sign language.  I used this necklace tutorial and used a simple chain slip stitched to the top and bottom of the cross to make it a bracelet.  The girls were so excited!
